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Penarth Civic Society Civic Enhancement Award

Designing new buildings in Penarth poses special challenges to developers and architects. The town enjoys a strong heritage of late Victorian and Edwardian buildings giving it a distinctive character and appeal. Much of the inner town lies within conservation areas in recognition of these historic and architectural qualities. Naturally there is a strong sense of civic pride and identity which is jealously guarded whenever a new project is proposed.

​   To the best of its ability the Penarth Civic Society seeks to influence new investment so as to conserve and enhance the character of the town. Sometimes this means resisting an undesirable scheme or highlighting particular problems of decay or neglect. Also it sometimes entails campaigning on various issues such as central area regeneration, the protection of the urban tree population, or the future of the Esplanade. Also detailed comments are made directly to the local authority on applications within conservation areas.

The Society is conscious that from time to time schemes emerge which, although perhaps quite modest in scale, are of high quality. While some might gain professional acclaim they might not receive any local credit. We consider this is unfortunate and believe that there should be some way in which such schemes could be celebrated locally.

The Civic Enhancement Award was first introduced in 2009, the intention being that it would be given from time to time to schemes which positively contributed to the physical qualities of the town and six awards were eventually made over the next few years. For a variety of reasons, the scheme came to a halt after several years.

The Society has now decided to reintroduce the Civic Enhancement Award scheme, only this time to provide the full membership of Penarth Civic Society with the opportunity to participate in suggesting and voting for the award. The award may be for purely new buildings, restoration of older property or even for imaginative treatment of elements of the public realm, including commercial premises, public parks, streets or open spaces. Any PCS member may put forward any project thought worthy of recognition, although only one nomination may be made by each member and only members may make nominations. Online nomination forms for 2025 are available via the link at the bottom of this page.

A ceramic plaque will be presented to the winner of a Civic Enhancement Award and it is the Society's hope that the recipient will have the plaque mounted on the exterior of their property.​​


Click to submit your suggestion for the Civic Enhancement Award



The Penarth Civic Society is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation RCN: 1182348*

The content of this website is created & managed by volunteer members of PCS.


Unless stated otherwise, all information & images on this website are ©1986-present The Penarth Civic Society (/ Penarth Society / Civic Society of Penarth 1971-1986) or have been acquired by or donated to the PCS Picture & Archive Libraries for use by us as we see fit. No use in other media or reproduction allowed without prior consent. All rights reserved by respective sources where applicable.


*The Penarth Civic Society is not responsible for the content of external websites, documents or other items we do not have specific control over but choose to link to in good faith.

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We would like to thank Emma Cahill of Socially Aware, and Blue Web Design for designing this site, Sarah and Ben Salter for the photographs, Andrew Salter for the Peregrine Falcons film, Chris Riley, Alan Thorne and Bruce Wallace for their contributions to the History of Penarth area of the site, and Comic Relief for helping to fund the site design.

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and Members & Public Donations

Last Site Update 29/12/2024

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