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Aimed at restoring the protection offered by previous Grade 3 Listing, the former South Glamorgan County Council had  initiated a policy designed to oppose speculative demolition and redevelopment by awarding “County Treasures” status to buildings of architectural or historical importance in the context of their settings. 

This was an exercise organised and executed by the Council with the help of local expertise. The final results were recorded in a document which became readily available for decision-making in planning applications.


In 2001 the Vale of Glamorgan Council, having been unsuccessful in acquiring a Heritage Lottery Grant for updating the original list, called a meeting with leaders of the Civic Trust for Wales, the Vale of Glamorgan Buildings Preservation Trust and Penarth Civic Society to look for support in achieving their aim. All were asked whether their organisations would be willing to take on this project. Unfortunately the Civic Trust and the Preservation Trust declined, leaving Audrey Poole, the leader of the Civic Society, who was also a Trustee of the other two organisations, to feel she had to accept the challenge.  No opportunity to discuss it with the Committee or with members – it just had to be done! And that is how Penarth Civic Society became involved in the County Treasures Project.


This time, the responsibility would be delegated to leaders of the 28 Parish Councils to research and record the buildings they thought were especially important in their own locations.

Modern House Raisdale Road.JPG
Turner House.JPG

Here is the declaration of intent:


“The Penarth Society, as a representative of the Civic Trust for Wales, is partnering the Vale of Glamorgan  Council in a Review of County Treasures – i.e.  buildings of special architectural significance in the area – first recorded by the former South Glamorgan County Council. Many of these buildings have changed over the years and the aim is to bring the list up to date.

The two leading organisations are supported in the project by Town and Community Councils, the Vale of Glamorgan Buildings Preservation Trust and other environmental and historical organisations.


A steering group representing the four main centres of the Vale:  Barry, Cowbridge, Llantwit Major and Penarth, has been set up  and hopes to use initial funding from Cadw and other sources to fund a project co-ordinator.

Yacht Club.JPG

The first task will be to photograph all the existing Treasures, perhaps adding others along the way, in preparation for having this material transferred to CD Rom for use in schools and libraries throughout the County:  a valuable educational resource.  The Civic Trust for Wales is currently working with the National Assembly to raise the profile of the Built Environment and would like to see it incorporated into the school syllabus as a subject in its own right.


This must be the first time all areas of the Vale have come together in a common project and it is a tribute to individuals’ dedication and goodwill that it is happening today. When people are willing to share expertise and resources in this way, the exercise deserves to succeed."


The full document can be viewed on the Vale of Glamorgan website


Original List (surveyed 2002-2007)


2011 Addendum

The Penarth Civic Society is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation RCN: 1182348*

The content of this website is created & managed by volunteer members of PCS.


Unless stated otherwise, all information & images on this website are ©1986-present The Penarth Civic Society (/ Penarth Society / Civic Society of Penarth 1971-1986) or have been acquired by or donated to the PCS Picture & Archive Libraries for use by us as we see fit. No use in other media or reproduction allowed without prior consent. All rights reserved by respective sources where applicable.


*The Penarth Civic Society is not responsible for the content of external websites, documents or other items we do not have specific control over but choose to link to in good faith.

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We would like to thank Emma Cahill of Socially Aware, and Blue Web Design for designing this site, Sarah and Ben Salter for the photographs, Andrew Salter for the Peregrine Falcons film, Chris Riley, Alan Thorne and Bruce Wallace for their contributions to the History of Penarth area of the site, and Comic Relief for helping to fund the site design.

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and Members & Public Donations

Last Site Update 29/12/2024

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